Episode 2811 – Medal of Honor tribute to Air Force Captain Steven Bennett  

Medal of Honor recipient Air Force Captain Steven Bennett, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Medal of Honor recipient Air Force Captain Steven Bennett

The North American OV-10A Bronco, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

The North American OV-10A Bronco

Episode 2811 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature a story about Air Force Captain Steven Bennett and his Congressional Medal of Honor award. The featured story appeared on the Medal of Honor Museum website and was titled: Captain Steven Bennett: Courage and Sacrifice in the Skies Over Vietnam.

Born in Palestine, Texas, in 1946, a young Steven Bennett later moved with his family to Louisiana. Bennett graduated from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (then University of Southwestern Louisiana) in 1965 with a degree in Aerospace Engineering. As an ROTC graduate with a pilot’s license, Bennett entered the U.S. Air Force in August 1968 and earned his silver pilot’s wings in 1969.  Steven, when he was getting ready to propose marriage to his future wife Linda, told her that with him it would always be “God, Country, and then family in that order.”

Bennett first learned to fly the B-52 Stratofortress strategic bomber and flew missions out of Thailand before transitioning to become a Forward Air Controller (FAC). Despite the significant drawdown of U.S. forces in Vietnam and the surging unpopularity of the conflict, Bennett was determined to keep serving in a combat capacity. Bennett requested a tour in Vietnam and was subsequently assigned to the 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron, flying North American OV-10A Broncos from the airbase at Da Nang.

It has been more than 50 years since Steven Bennett’s last flight over Vietnam, but his example remains as strong today as it did that fateful day in Vietnam. A determination to serve in harm’s way, even when that was unpopular. A commitment to do all he could to help his comrades on the ground, even when that demanded actions that created great risk. And his selfless sacrifice so that his crewmate could live, even at the risk of his own life, are powerful reminders of the best that serve in our military and deserve our nation’s highest military decoration.

Listen to episode 2811 and discover more about Air Force Captain Steven Bennett and his Congressional Medal of Honor award.

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