Episode 2886 – Tribute to Vietnam MoH recipient Navy Corpsman Third Class Robert R. Ingram – A Saint

Vietnam Medal of Honor recipient Navy Corpsman Third Class Robert R. Ingram.

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Episode 2886 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Medal of Honor recipient Navy Corpsman Third Class Robert R. Ingram. Information featured in this episode comes from Wikipedia and the Medal of Honor Speak Out website.

Navy Corpsman Third Class Robert R. Ingram was serving with Company C, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, in Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam, on March 28, 1966, when his courage and dedication to his comrades earned him the Medal of Honor.

Ingram’s platoon was ambushed by a heavily armed North Vietnamese battalion. As the attack rained down, many Marines were wounded. Despite being shot through the hand early in the battle, Ingram rushed to their aid. Crawling across the battlefield under heavy enemy fire, he made his way from one wounded Marine to another, providing life-saving medical care. The firefight was brutal, but Ingram’s resolve never wavered.

Over the course of the engagement, Ingram was hit by enemy fire a total of four times, sustaining severe injuries to his chest and head. Even with these life-threatening wounds, he refused to stop. When his medical supplies ran low, he used whatever he had on hand to treat the injured, his own well-being secondary to the survival of his comrades.

Ingram’s determination and selflessness helped save numerous lives that day. His heroic actions exemplified the highest standards of valor and sacrifice. For his incredible bravery under fire and his refusal to abandon his fellow soldiers, Robert R. Ingram was awarded the Medal of Honor, the United States’ highest military honor. His story is a lasting tribute to the courage and dedication of all Navy corpsmen who have served on the battlefield.

Listen to Episode 2886 and discover more about Medal of Honor recipient Navy Corpsman Third Class Robert R. Ingram.

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