Episode 2871 – Tribute to Vietnam MoH recipient Marine 2LT Terrence C. Graves- A Saint

Vietnam MoH Recipient Marine 2LT Terrence C. Graves.

Vietnam MoH Recipient Marine 2LT Terrence C. Graves.

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Episode 2871 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Marine 2LT Terrence C. Graves and his Congressional Medal of Honor award. Information featured in this episode comes from Wikipedia and a story that appeared on the Texas State Cemetery website.

Marine 2nd Lieutenant Terrence C. Graves was a man defined by courage and selflessness. Born on July 6, 1947, in Corpus Christi, Texas, he grew up with a deep sense of duty. After graduating from Miami University in Ohio, he joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1967, seeking not only to serve but to lead.

In February 1968, during the Vietnam War, 2LT Graves was assigned to a reconnaissance mission with his platoon deep in enemy territory. The team’s objective was to gather intelligence, but they soon found themselves surrounded by a much larger North Vietnamese force. Under heavy fire, Graves immediately took charge, directing his men’s defense and coordinating their movement for extraction. As enemy forces closed in, a helicopter was sent for evacuation, but enemy fire raked the landing zone.

Rather than ensuring his own safety, Graves made sure his men were evacuated first. When the helicopter was hit and began to descend, Graves, exposed to enemy fire, ran toward the wreckage to assist in the rescue. His unwavering resolve and dedication saved several lives that day. Tragically, Graves was killed in action during this act of heroism.

For his extraordinary bravery and sacrifice, 2LT Terrence C. Graves was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. His actions remain a powerful testament to the Marine Corps values of honor, courage, and commitment, ensuring his legacy lives on.

Listen to Episode 2871 and discover more about Marine 2LT Terrence C. Graves and his Congressional Medal of Honor award.

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