Episode 2888 – Tribute to Vietnam MoH recipient Army CSM Delbert O. Jennings – Bonafide Hero

Vietnam Medal of Honor recipient Army CSM Delbert O. Jennings.

Vietnam Medal of Honor recipient Army CSM Delbert O. Jennings.

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Episode 2888 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Medal of Honor recipient Army CSM Delbert O. Jennings.  Information featured in this episode comes from Wikipedia and Tara Ross.

Army Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Delbert O. Jennings was a Vietnam War hero who earned the Medal of Honor for his extraordinary bravery during combat. On December 27, 1966, while serving as a platoon leader with the 3rd Battalion, 12th Cav  Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, Jennings and his unit were ambushed by a large enemy force in the dense jungles of Vietnam.

As enemy fire rained down, Jennings realized that his platoon was in danger of being overrun. Without hesitation, he charged through a hail of bullets, personally killing several enemy soldiers who had established a machine-gun position. He then organized his men and directed their defense, despite being wounded by shrapnel. When one of his comrades was injured and lying exposed in the open, Jennings crawled to his position, dragging him to safety while continuing to fight off the attackers.

Even after receiving a second wound, Jennings refused evacuation and continued leading his men, displaying remarkable courage under fire. His leadership and determination saved many lives that day, and he remained on the battlefield until the enemy was repelled.

For his gallantry and intrepidity, Jennings was awarded the Medal of Honor. His actions exemplified the highest standards of military service, embodying selflessness and valor in the face of overwhelming odds. He remains a symbol of heroism and sacrifice to the U.S. Army and the nation.

Listen to Episode 2888 and discover more about Medal of Honor recipient Army CSM Delbert O. Jennings.

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