Episode 2876 – Tribute to Vietnam MoH recipient Army Sp4 Frank A. Herda.- A Saint

Vietnam Medal of Honor recipient Army Sp4 Frank A. Herda.

Vietnam Medal of Honor recipient Army Sp4 Frank A. Herda.

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Episode 2876 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Army Sp4 Frank A. Herda and his Congressional Medal of Honor award. Information featured in this episode comes from Wikipedia and the Ohio Department of Veterans Services.

Army Specialist Fourth Class (Sp4) Frank A. Herda was serving in Vietnam on June 29, 1968, when he faced an extraordinary moment of courage. Assigned to Company A, 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division, Herda was on a reconnaissance patrol in the rugged Kon Tum Province. As they moved through mountainous country, the patrol was suddenly ambushed by a well-entrenched enemy force. Intense gunfire erupted from all sides, pinning them down.

In the chaos, a grenade was hurled into the midst of Herda’s team. Without a second thought, Herda reacted selflessly and with remarkable bravery. He threw himself onto the grenade, shielding his comrades from the impending explosion. The grenade detonated beneath him, and though severely wounded, Herda’s quick action saved the lives of several soldiers who were in immediate danger.

Despite his injuries, he continued to call out instructions and ensured his squad could regroup and fight their way out of the ambush. His extraordinary valor and presence of mind under fire were key to their survival. For his actions, Herda was awarded the Medal of Honor on April 7, 1970, becoming one of the heroic figures of the Vietnam War.

Frank Herda’s story is a testament to the incredible sacrifice and bravery exhibited by soldiers in combat, a reminder of the human cost of war, and the enduring spirit of heroism in the face of unimaginable danger.

Listen to Episode 2876 and discover more about Army Sp4 Frank A. Herda and his Congressional Medal of Honor award.

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