Episode 2824 – Medal of Honor tribute to Army SGT Ardie R. Copas 

Medal of Honor recipient Army SGT Ardie R. Copas.

Medal of Honor recipient Army SGT Ardie R. Copas.

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Episode 2824 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Army SGT Ardie R. Copasand his Congressional Medal of Honor award. Information featured in this episode appeared on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Ardie Ray Copas (29 August 1950 – 12 May 1970) was a U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War, and a recipient of the Medal of Honor.

Copas was born in Fort Pierce, Florida. He joined the U.S. Army on June 18, 1969. During the Vietnam War, he was killed in Romeas Haek, Cambodia, for which his Distinguished Service Cross was posthumously upgraded to the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Then U.S. Army Specialist 4 Ardie R. Copas distinguished himself on May 12, 1970, while serving as a machine gunner near Ph Romeas Hek, Cambodia. When his convoy was ambushed, Copas repelled the enemy under heavy fire, holding his post while his wounded comrades were evacuated. Copas was killed in action.

The wife of Sgt. Ardie Ray Copas said this about her husband:

Although Sgt. Ardie Ray Copas, wasn’t much on education and quit High School in 9th grade to work and help support his 14 brothers and sisters he has taught more people than he could ever know or imagine. He was a very simple man, loved his family friends and helping everyone he could whether he knew you or not and was there whenever he was needed or asked almost no matter what.

Even with a young new wife and baby on the way he still wanted to help people and save lives, even people not his own country to HELP this country. It was Ardies’ mission and he did it! He was a very young, kind, poor, uneducated, happy-go-lucky kid!

Listen to episode 2824 and discover more about Army SGT Ardie R. Copasand his Congressional Medal of Honor award.

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