Episode 2839 – Medal of Honor tribute to Army SGT Jesus S. Duran    


Medal of Honor recipient Army SGT Jesus S. Duran

Medal of Honor recipient Army SGT Jesus S. Duran

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Episode 2839 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Army SGT Jesus S. Duran and his Congressional Medal of Honor award. Information featured in this episode comes from a story that appeared on the Tara Ross Blog. The story was titled: This Day in History: Jesus Duran’s bravery in Vietnam.

Jesus Santiago Duran (July 26, 1948 – February 17, 1977) was a U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War, and a recipient of the Medal of Honor.

Army Sergeant Jesus S. Duran was a hero whose bravery in Vietnam earned him the Medal of Honor. On April 10, 1969, Duran was serving as a machine gunner with Company E, 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division. During a mission near the village of Tay Ninh, his platoon came under heavy fire from a concealed enemy force. Duran, without hesitation, moved forward to provide covering fire, allowing his comrades to maneuver.

As the enemy intensified their assault, Duran noticed that several soldiers were pinned down by machine gun fire from a nearby bunker. Despite the danger, he advanced alone through the hail of bullets. With extraordinary courage, Duran stormed the enemy bunker, eliminating multiple enemy fighters with his machine gun. His actions saved the lives of many in his platoon and allowed them to successfully complete their mission.

For his selfless bravery and unwavering dedication to his comrades, Sergeant Duran was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor in 2014, more than four decades after his heroic actions. His legacy is a testament to the courage and sacrifice of those who serve, and his story continues to inspire soldiers and civilians alike. Jesus S. Duran exemplified the highest ideals of duty, honor, and service.

Listen to Episode 2839 and discover more about Army SGT Jesus S. Duran and his Congressional Medal of Honor award.


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