Episode 2841 – Medal of Honor tribute to Army SGT Santiago J. Erevia    

Vietnam War Medal of honor recipient Army Sergeant Santiago.

Vietnam War Medal of honor recipient Army Sergeant Santiago.

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Episode 2841 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Army SGT Santiago J. Ereviaand his Congressional Medal of Honor award. Information featured in this episode comes from stories that appeared on the National Museum United States Army and the VA News websites.

Army Sergeant Santiago J. Erevia, a dedicated soldier from San Antonio, Texas, stood on the edge of a fierce battle in the jungles of Vietnam in 1969. As part of the 101st Airborne Division, Erevia and his squad found themselves under heavy fire during a mission to rescue a wounded platoon member. With bullets whizzing by and the enemy closing in, Erevia’s courage and determination would soon become legendary.

Spotting four enemy bunkers threatening his comrades, Erevia took swift action. Armed with only an M16 rifle and a few grenades, he advanced towards the enemy positions with unwavering resolve. He single-handedly assaulted the first bunker, neutralizing the threat with a well-placed grenade. Without hesitation, he continued his assault, taking out the second and third bunkers in a similar fashion. His bravery inspired his fellow soldiers, who rallied behind him.

Despite sustaining injuries, Erevia pressed on. He reached the fourth bunker and unleashed a final barrage, silencing the enemy guns and saving countless lives. His selfless actions turned the tide of the battle, and his comrades would never forget the fearless soldier who fought to protect them.

Decades later, in 2014, Santiago J. Erevia was awarded the Medal of Honor for his extraordinary heroism. The nation recognized the quiet hero who, on that fateful day, embodied the highest ideals of courage and sacrifice, ensuring that his legacy would live on in the annals of American military history.

Listen to Episode 2841 and discover more about Army SGT Santiago J. Erevia and his Congressional Medal of Honor award.

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