Episode 2842 – Medal of Honor tribute to Navy Captain Michael J. Estocin

Vietnam War Medal of Honor recipient Navy Captain Michael J. Estocin

Vietnam War Medal of Honor recipient Navy Captain Michael J. Estocin

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Episode 2842 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Navy Captain Michael J. Estocin his Congressional Medal of Honor award. Information featured in this episode comes from a story that appeared on the Veterans Breakfast Club website and was titled: Remembering Vietnam A-4 Skyhawk Pilot and Medal of Honor Recipient, Michael Estocin. It written by Bob Bukk. It is an excerpt from his work-in-progress, “Encounters: The people I’ve met along the way.”

Captain Michael J. Estocin was a distinguished U.S. Navy pilot and a recipient of the Medal of Honor for his extraordinary heroism during the Vietnam War. Born on April 27, 1931, in Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania, Estocin pursued a career in naval aviation, ultimately becoming a seasoned pilot.

In April 1967, during Operation Rolling Thunder, Estocin demonstrated unparalleled bravery and dedication. As a pilot assigned to Attack Squadron 192 (VA-192) aboard the USS Ticonderoga, Estocin undertook two critical missions over North Vietnam on April 20 and April 26. Despite intense enemy fire, he delivered precision air strikes against heavily defended targets, showing unwavering commitment to his mission.

On April 26, during his second mission, Estocin’s A-4 Skyhawk was hit by enemy missiles. Despite severe damage to his aircraft, he continued to press the attack, ensuring the success of his mission. Tragically, his plane was critically damaged, and Estocin was unable to eject, leading to his loss.

Captain Estocin was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his “conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity” at the risk of his life, above and beyond the call of duty. His legacy of valor and sacrifice is remembered as an enduring example of the courage and dedication exhibited by the U.S. armed forces during the Vietnam War.

Listen to Episode 2842 and discover more about Navy Captain Michael J. Estocin and his Congressional Medal of Honor award.

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