Episode 2855 – Medal of Honor tribute to Army LTG Robert F. Foley   

Medal of Honor recipient Army LTG Robert F. Foley.

Medal of Honor recipient Army LTG Robert F. Foley.

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Episode 2855 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Army LTG Robert F. Foley and his Congressional Medal of Honor award. Information featured in this episode comes from a story that appeared on the Medal of Honor Speak Out website and was titled: Robert F. Foley, Captain, U.S. Army Company A, 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division

Army Lieutenant General Robert F. Foley is a living embodiment of courage and leadership. On November 5, 1966, as a young captain in Vietnam, he led his company, Company A, 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry, through one of the fiercest battles of the war. The dense jungle and treacherous terrain were not the only enemies; they faced relentless fire from well-entrenched Viet Cong forces.

Despite the intense enemy fire, Foley’s commitment to his soldiers never wavered. When his men were pinned down by a barrage of enemy machine gun fire, Foley moved from position to position, rallying his troops and providing clear, decisive orders. When he saw that one of his squads was trapped and taking heavy casualties, he personally led a charge through enemy fire to relieve them. Foley’s extraordinary bravery didn’t stop there. He single-handedly assaulted a Viet Cong machine gun position, eliminating the threat and allowing his men to advance.

For his gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life, above and beyond the call of duty, Robert F. Foley was awarded the Medal of Honor. His actions that day saved countless lives and exemplified the highest ideals of military service. Foley’s leadership continued throughout his distinguished career, where he rose to the rank of Lieutenant General, always remaining an inspiring figure to those who served under him. His legacy is one of selfless service, unwavering courage, and profound dedication to his country and fellow soldiers.

Listen to Episode 2855 and discover more about Army LTG Robert F. Foley and his Congressional Medal of Honor award.

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