Episode 2865 – Tribute to Vietnam MoH recipient Army 1LT James A. Gardner – A John Wayne Type Hero

Vietnam Medal of Honor Army 1LT James A. Gardner.

Vietnam Medal of Honor Army 1LT James A. Gardner.

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Episode 2865 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Army 1LT James A. Gardner and his Congressional Medal of Honor award. Information featured in this episode comes from a story that appeared on Wikipedia.

First Lieutenant James A. Gardner was an Army officer who displayed extraordinary heroism during the Vietnam War, earning him the Medal of Honor posthumously. Born on February 7, 1943, in Dyersburg, Tennessee, Gardner was a natural leader who exhibited courage beyond compare.

On February 7, 1966, in Tây Ninh Province, Gardner was leading his platoon in an assault against a heavily fortified enemy position. His unit was pinned down by intense automatic weapons fire and mortars. Realizing the dire situation, Gardner decided to take decisive action. He ordered his men to hold their position while he personally led an assault on the enemy bunkers.

With complete disregard for his own safety, Gardner charged through the open field, firing his weapon and hurling grenades at enemy strongholds. His actions destroyed several bunkers, but Gardner wasn’t finished. He continued to advance, repeatedly exposing himself to enemy fire, inspiring his soldiers to press forward.

Despite being wounded, Gardner refused to withdraw. He rallied his men for a final push against the enemy, continuing to move forward until he was fatally wounded by enemy fire. His fearless leadership and indomitable spirit turned the tide of the battle, allowing his platoon to achieve its objectives.

Gardner’s bravery, selflessness, and sacrifice are immortalized in the annals of military history. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his valor, a testament to the extraordinary courage he displayed that day.

Listen to Episode 2865 and discover more about Army 1LT James A. Gardner and his Congressional Medal of Honor award.

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