Episode 2866 – Tribute to Vietnam MoH recipient Army SSG John G. Gertsch – A John Wayne Type Hero

Vietnam Medal of Honor Recipient Army SSG John G. Gertsch

Vietnam Medal of Honor Recipient Army SSG John G. Gertsch

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Episode 2866 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Army SSG John G. Gertsch and his Congressional Medal of Honor award. Information featured in this episode comes from Wikipedia, The Hall of Honor Project and the 101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans Organization.

Staff Sergeant John G. Gertsch was a courageous soldier who served in Vietnam with the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division. Born on September 29, 1944, in Jersey City, New Jersey, Gertsch enlisted in the Army and quickly gained a reputation as a brave and selfless leader. His actions during a critical mission in July 1969 would earn him the nation’s highest military honor—the Medal of Honor.

On July 15, 1969, Gertsch and his unit were involved in a fierce battle with a well-entrenched enemy force in the A Shau Valley. When his company commander was wounded, Gertsch took charge, directing the evacuation of the wounded and personally leading assaults against enemy positions. Despite being wounded himself, Gertsch repeatedly exposed himself to enemy fire to protect his fellow soldiers, eliminate enemy threats, and ensure the safety of his men. His leadership, bravery, and complete disregard for his own safety inspired his comrades to continue the fight.

Over the next few days, Gertsch’s actions remained vital to his unit’s survival. He continued to engage the enemy, often moving ahead of his men to clear dangerous paths. On July 19, while covering the withdrawal of his unit, he was mortally wounded by enemy fire.

For his extraordinary heroism, SSG John G. Gertsch was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. His selfless actions exemplified the highest standards of military service, leaving a lasting legacy of sacrifice and valor.

Listen to Episode 2866 and discover more about SSG John G. Gertsch and his Congressional Medal of Honor award.


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