Episode 2874 – Tribute to Vietnam MoH recipient Army SSG Robert W. Hartsock- a Saint

Robert Hartsock and Duke. Courtesy Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund

Robert Hartsock and Duke. Courtesy Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Episode 2874 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Army SSG Robert W. Hartsock and his Congressional Medal of Honor award. Information featured in this episode comes from Wikipedia and the West Virginia Veterans Memorial.

Army Staff Sergeant Robert W. Hartsock was a dedicated and courageous soldier who served during the Vietnam War. Born on January 24, 1945, in Cumberland, Maryland, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and was assigned to the 44th Infantry Platoon Scout Dog, 3rd Brigade Task Force, Americal Division. His mission in Vietnam was to lead patrols and protect his fellow soldiers, often accompanied by scout dogs trained to detect enemy forces.

On February 23, 1969, while serving near Dau Tieng, Vietnam, Hartsock’s unit was suddenly attacked by a large enemy force. Despite the overwhelming assault, Hartsock bravely fought to defend his position. When the enemy began advancing with rocket-propelled grenades, Hartsock noticed a critical danger: his platoon’s position, which held valuable communications equipment, was at risk of being overrun.

Without hesitation, Hartsock grabbed a machine gun and moved to a vulnerable spot to repel the enemy. He continued to fire at the advancing forces despite being severely wounded by enemy fire. At a critical moment, a grenade landed nearby. Realizing the danger to his comrades, Hartsock shielded them by throwing himself on the grenade, absorbing the blast and sacrificing his life.

For his extraordinary bravery and selflessness, Robert W. Hartsock was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. His actions embodied the highest values of heroism, making him a true American hero who saved many lives through his ultimate sacrifice.

Listen to Episode 2874 and discover more about Army SSG Robert W. Hartsock and his Congressional Medal of Honor award.

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