Episode 2560 – Program in Ohio helps Vietnam vets record war memories

Dr. Vivian B. Blevins, vietnam veteran news, mack payne

Dr. Vivian B. Blevins conducts a program in Ohio to help Vietnam Vets record their War memories.

Episode 2560 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature a story about the program in Ohio that helps Vietnam Veterans record their memories of their times in Vietnam on paper and videos. The featured story comes from The Sidney Daily News and is titled: Military veterans have stories to tell. It was submitted by Dr. Vivian B. Blevins. She teaches telecommunication employees from around the country and students at Edison State Community College and works with veterans. She can be reached at 937-778-3815 or vbblevins@woh.rr.com or vblevins@edisonohio.edu.

Dr. Blevins conducts programs at the Miami Valley Veterans Museum that helps area Vietnam Veterans record their memories of the War. She said the vets know that writing their stories is a challenging task, but they understand the value.

U.S. Marine veteran Roger Jones spent 28 months in country and says, “I’ve never talked about it much, and in the last 10 years, I’ve started loosening up a little bit about it. Even when my grandkids were studying the Vietnam War in school, I just told them I really didn’t want to talk about it. Now, I want them to understand where I was and what I did.”

Stephen King, U.S. Navy, indicates, “I’d like for my family to look back and see the experiences I had. All my military records are available to examine, but unless they take the time to look through all of them, they won’t know, so I just thought it would be nice to put them in writing.” U.S. Army veteran Mel Shane and U.S. Navy veteran Nick Mott agree that they want their family members to know about their work in the Vietnam War.

All Vietnam Veterans are encouraged to seek out programs like that of Dr Blevins to record their memories of the War.

Listen to episode 2560 and discover more about the program in Ohio that helps Vietnam Veterans record their memories of their times in Vietnam on paper and videos.

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