Episode 2834 – Medal of Honor tribute to Army Sp4 Edward A. DeVore Jr.    

Medal of Honor recipient Army Sp4 Edward A. DeVore Jr.

Medal of Honor recipient Army Sp4 Edward A. DeVore Jr.

Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam Veteran News, Mack Payne

Congressional Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor recipient Army Sp4 Edward A. DeVore Jr. Marker

Medal of Honor recipient Army Sp4 Edward A. DeVore Jr. Marker

Medal of Honor recipient Army Sp4 Edward A. DeVore Jr. Marker -Distant shot

Medal of Honor recipient Army Sp4 Edward A. DeVore Jr. Marker -Distant shot

Episode 2834 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature Army Sp4 Edward A. DeVore Jr. and his Congressional Medal of Honor award. Information featured in this episode comes from the OK History website and The Historical Marker Database.

Army Specialist Fourth Class (Sp4) Edward A. DeVore Jr. was born on June 15, 1947, in Henryetta, Oklahoma. He enlisted in the United States Army from Alameda, California, and served in Company B, 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division during the Vietnam War.

DeVore’s actions on March 17, 1968, near Saigon, Vietnam, earned him the prestigious Medal of Honor. On that day, his platoon was heavily engaged by a well-entrenched and numerically superior enemy force. Amidst intense enemy fire, DeVore observed that the enemy was directing heavy fire toward his squad’s position. Realizing the immediate danger to his comrades, he displayed conspicuous gallantry by advancing alone towards the enemy position to draw their fire away from his squad.

Despite being seriously wounded, DeVore continued his advance, aggressively engaging the enemy with hand grenades and small arms fire. His courageous actions disrupted the enemy assault and provided his squad the opportunity to reorganize and mount an effective defense. In his final act of bravery, DeVore charged an enemy machine gun position, which was inflicting severe casualties on his unit. This valiant effort cost him his life, but it succeeded in silencing the enemy gun, ultimately saving the lives of his fellow soldiers.

Specialist Edward A. DeVore Jr.’s extraordinary heroism and self-sacrifice reflect the highest traditions of military service. His actions provided an inspiring example of valor and earned him the Medal of Honor posthumously. He is remembered for his unwavering bravery and dedication to his comrades and country. DeVore’s name is etched on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., honoring his ultimate sacrifice.

Listen to episode 2834 and discover more about Army Sp4 Edward A. DeVore Jr. and his Congressional Medal of Honor award.


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