Episode 2532 – Australia and Vietnam getting closer

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, vietnam veteran news, mack payne

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese meeting with Vienamese officials on a recent visit to that country.

Episode 2532 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature a story about how and why Vietnam and Australia are getting closer. The featured story comes from Voice of America and is titled, Australia Seeks Closer Ties with Vietnam. It was submitted by VOA writer Phil Mercer.

According to Mercer’s story, the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has concluded a visit to Vietnam, during which he signed a multi-million-dollar agreement to help Vietnam decarbonize its economy. Tensions with China have also been the backdrop to the visit.

It is nice to see the two former adversaries from the American Vietnam War become closer allies today. It became obvious to this Vietnam Veteran during his time in Vietnam; the Vietnamese people were hard working, smart and capable.

This is demonstrated by the fact the Vietnamese maneuvered the gullible Australian prime minister into presenting them with a  $69.3 million package to help authorities in Hanoi decarbonize Vietnam’s economy.

The Vietnamese are smart enough to realize the idea that humans can change the weather is ludicrous. They are smart enough to understand cheap energy from fossil fuels is the key to prosperity and the lifting of its people out of poverty to the middle class.

Another favorable result of the high level visit was that it was agreed to allow two new air routes linking the Australian cities of Melbourne and Brisbane to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City respectively.

The situation with China was also discussed in the meeting. Vietnam shares Australia’s concerns about China’s moves to exert control over the South China Sea. The Vietnamese coast guard has had confrontations with Chinese vessels in waters claimed by both countries. This is helping the Australians and Vietnamese plan of establishing a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership by the end of this year.

Listen to episode 2532 and discover more about how and why Vietnam and Australia are getting closer.

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