Episode 2556 – Marine Vietnam Vet values his service to country

Tom Gotterup, vietnam veteran news. mack payne

Tom Gotterup

Episode 2556 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature a story about the testimony of Marine Vietnam Veteran Tom Gotterup. The featured story comes from the Citrus County Chronicle and is titled: A homecoming after 60 years. It was submitted by Ardath Prendergast. She is vice president Operations & BRE of the Citrus County Chamber of Commerce.

Sixty years ago, 17 year old Tom Gotterup left his home in Queens, New York and traveled to Parris Island, South Carolina. There he became a U.S. Marine. Recently he returned to Parris Island for the first time since his departure to Vietnam.

As he toured the grounds the memories came back to him. The memories of his time on the island were etched deep within him, and the opportunity to return and reconnect with his past was an emotional and significant experience.

As he walked the familiar paths and searched out the original location of the barracks of the 3rd Recruit Training Battalion where he was assigned, Gotterup was flooded with memories of his time as a recruit. He recalled the challenges, the camaraderie, and the demanding training that tested his physical and mental limits. Gotterup’s return was not merely a trip down memory lane, but a chance to pay homage to the place that shaped him into the Marine he became.

For Tom Gotterup, Parris Island will forever hold a special place in his heart. It is where his journey as a Marine began, where he found his purpose and where he discovered the indomitable spirit that defines the few and the proud.

His return after 60 years serves as a testament to the lasting impact of the Marine Corps and a testament to the resilience of those who have served in its ranks.

Listen to episode 2556 and discover more about the testimony of Marine Vietnam Veteran Tom Gotterup.

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