Episode 2535 – Could the US face ICC prosecution over Agent Orange use in Vietnam

The International Criminal Court, vietnam veteran news, mack payne

The International Criminal Court at the Hague

Episode 2535 of the Vietnam Veteran News Podcast will feature a story about whether or now the U.S. could be held liable for use of Agent Orange during the American Vietnam War. The featured story appeared on the Foreign Policy website and was titled: Ukrainians Are Accusing Russia of Ecocide. What Does That Mean?The dam blast rekindled a concept with Vietnam War roots but no place in international law—yet.  The story was submitted by Clara Gutman-Argemí, Ashley Ahn and Brawley Benson.

Clara Gutman-Argemí [clara.gutman-argemi@foreignpolicy.com] is an editorial fellow at Foreign Policy. Prior to joining FP, she interned with Foreign Affairs, edited for openDemocracy, and reported for the Brown Daily Herald. She is a graduate of Brown University, where she received a bachelor’s in philosophy.

Ashley Ahn [ashley.ahn@foreignpolicy.com] and  Brawley Benson [brawley.benson@foreignpolicy.com] are interns at Foreign Policy.

In 1962 it was decided by U.S. Defense Department leadership to utilize high powered herbicides in the war against communist forces in Vietnam. The intent of the decision was to deprive opposition forces of food and natural cover.

At the time it was known that some of the Agents contained tetrachlorodibenzodioxin, better known as dioxin which could prove to be carcinogenic to people and animals. The decision makers apparently figured the benefits derived from the use of Agent Orange would be worth the “few” problems it might cause. Few bigger judgment errors in world history have been committed.

Based on discussions of the alleged Russian destruction of the Nova Kakhovka Dam on the Dnipro River in southern Ukraine, the use of Agent Orange by the U.S. in Vietnam is coming under scrutiny.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) lays out the definition and prosecution guardrails for crimes that can be tried under international law, including genocide, crimes against humanity, the crime of aggression, and war crimes.

Listen to episode 2535 and discover more about whether or now the U.S. could be held liable for use of Agent Orange during the American Vietnam War.

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